Functions and Uses of Police Sirens in the Field
All of the items or accessories used by police officers and other emergency responders serve a specific purpose, and siren setups used on their vehicles are no exception. Sirens, PA setups and similar products play several important roles for these responders, allowing them to not only make their presence known, but also carry out several other simple processes.
At LED Equipped, we offer an extensive range of siren speakers and vehicle PA systems for various first responders, including police officers. What are the key functions that sirens carry out for police officers, and which are some of the most common sounds and tones used to achieve these needs? Let’s dive in.
Alerting Other Drivers
As we touched on above, and as many people are well aware of, one of the primary functions of a siren setup is to alert other drivers to the presence of an emergency vehicle. When sirens are used on cars driven by police officers and ambulances, it creates a sense of urgency for all other cars on the road.
This helps to ensure that responders can get where they need to go quickly and safely, while also keeping other drivers and pedestrians safe. The sound of unmistakable sirens emanating from an emergency vehicle is usually enough to prompt people to move out of the way quickly and carefully.
Now, as most are well aware, sirens are not the only tool used by police officers to alert drivers of their presence. Flashing lights also play an important role in this process, as they have been designed to draw attention from both motorists and pedestrians near the vehicle.
Creating a Highly Noticeable Sound
The term “unmistakable” in our section above is an important one, and reflects another key function of police sirens. It is important for the sound created by these products to be as noticeable and distinguishing as possible, so that drivers are aware of the presence of an emergency vehicle in a timely manner.
For this reason, many siren setups used on police vehicles involve distinct sounds, often with multiple tones and pitches that guide drivers away from the vehicle. We’ll go over these sounds later on in this blog.
Alerting a Driver to Pull Over
In other cases, police sirens may be used to alert a driver that they should pull over, either due to a traffic violation or another legal matter. In this case, the sound of the siren is often more drawn out than usual, so that drivers can process the information in an orderly manner and pull over when safe.
In most of these cases, police officers do not use their siren initially – especially for routine traffic stops, where there’s no need to startle or alarm a driver. They will first use their flashing lights to draw the driver’s attention, and then they will switch on the siren to indicate that they need to pull over if the driver does not notice or comply initially.
In addition to this, some siren systems offer a unique alert feature that is specifically designed to indicate when drivers need to pull over. This tone is usually shorter and more consistent than the sound used for emergency situations, allowing drivers to identify it quickly and safely.
Escorting a Vehicle
Another key function of police sirens is to escort vehicles. This is often done in cases where a VIP or other important figure needs protection, and the sound of the siren helps to notify other drivers that they should move out of the way for this vehicle.
The same process applies to funeral processions and parades, which may require an emergency vehicle to lead the way. In this case, the siren is used to signal that these vehicles should move over and give them a clear path.
Once again, sirens will often be used in coordination with other forms of signaling, such as flashing lights and PA systems. The goal will be to keep noise limited where possible, but to use the sound of the siren to quickly and noticeably alert other drivers.
Alerting People Help is On the Way
In other situations, such as when police are making their way to a crime scene or other emergency situation, sirens may be used to signal that help is on the way. This will often involve a more urgent sounding alarm, and it can be a helpful tool for those awaiting aid as it alerts them of the presence of an incoming vehicle.
Siren systems are also sometimes used by firefighters, who use them in a similar fashion as police officers. Fire trucks often include sirens that can be used to signal their presence and alert people of an emergency situation, both near the vehicle and further away.
When people in emergency situations know that help is on its way, this can be a huge source of comfort and reassurance. For this reason, sirens play an important role in emergency situations and are designed to help with this process as much as possible.
Informing Citizens of Emergencies
Finally, police sirens can also be used to inform citizens that there is an emergency in their area. In most cases, this will involve a short burst of the siren, which serves as an audible warning that something is happening in the vicinity.
This information can then be used by citizens to take appropriate action, such as moving away from the area or finding shelter if needed. In some cases, police officers may also use their PA systems to provide further instructions and update in these situations.
Common Tones Used in Police Sirens
There are several common tones, many of which you’ve likely heard before, that are used by police for their sirens. Some examples include:
- The wail: Perhaps the single most common police siren tone is the wail, which is a long, steady sound that gradually rises and then falls. This tone is often used to indicate an emergency situation or to signal drivers to pull over.
- The yelp: The yelp is a short, sharp sound that is used when police need to get someone’s attention quickly. It can also be used in coordination with the wail for added emphasis.
- The phaser: The phaser is a fast, pulsing sound that also serves as an attention-getter. It is often used to indicate when drivers need to pull aside or move out of the way for an emergency vehicle.
- The piercer: For situations of heavy traffic, or where drivers may not be paying attention to their surroundings, the piercer is a longer, more intense tone. It is used to cut through and get people’s attention quickly.
- The howler: Many newer cars are often outfitted with the low-frequency howler, one that’s used to reach drivers who are far in front of the emergency vehicle. The howler is often used during chases or other issues where drivers up ahead need to be alerted.
- Escort siren: For some processions, such as presidential motorcades or funerals, a special escort siren is used. This tone is often used to signal that drivers need to pull over and allow the procession to pass through.
No matter which tone is used, police sirens are designed to help emergency vehicles make their presence known and alert citizens of an impending situation. They are a vital tool for emergency responders and their use is essential in ensuring the safety of everyone in the vicinity.
The use of sirens must always be done responsibly, however, as these sounds can become overwhelming in some circumstances. As such, it’s important that officers and other responders remain aware of their surroundings when using sirens and take appropriate action when needed.
By understanding the role of sirens and how to use them, emergency responders can carry out their duties more effectively and ensure the safety of all involved. For more here, or to view our wide selection of police sirens, LED emergency lights or other vital safety products, speak to our team at LED Equipped today.