If you operate an emergency vehicle, part of your job is to get other drivers to move, stop, or slow down on the road. That’s where our wig wag flasher comes into play.
At LED Equipped, you can find a wig wag headlight flasher kit that will transform your headlights into the ideal warning sign.
Our Wig Wag Lights
When emergencies strike, you need to get to the scene as soon as possible. That’s why it’s important to equip your vehicle with effective warning signs. Aside from sirens, lights are the best tool to use when warning others on the road.
Our LED headlight flasher systems alert other drivers quickly so you can get to the accident faster. These headlight flashers work with either LED or Halogen headlights and can perform three different kinds of flash patterns.
Why LED Equipped's Headlight Flashers
At LED Equipped, we use the latest technology and the highest quality materials to create all of our emergency vehicle lighting products. Whether used for firefighter rescue or other emergency response work, you can have confidence knowing your equipment is of the most premium quality in the industry.
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