LED Work Lights for Trucks: Everything You Need to Know
Mounting additional lighting to your work vehicle is one of the most significant upgrades you can make to increase functionality. Depending on the type of work and specific lighting needs, extra lighting can be used for applications such as illuminating work areas, illuminating the inside of the truck, or notifying others of the truck’s presence. Whatever your specific lighting needs, there is no doubt that LEDs are the superior option available to consumers today. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about led work lights for trucks, including why LEDs are the best choice, the types of work lights for trucks that you can install, and how to choose the best work lights for your truck’s specific needs. Let’s get started!
Why are LEDs the Best Option for Truck Work Lights?
You probably came here looking for information on buying LED work lights for trucks, and we will certainly get to that. But some of you are still wondering, “why are LEDs the best option for work lights on my truck?” Let us provide you with some simple factual information to convince you that the only lighting style you need to be shopping for are LEDs. Here is why LEDs are the best choice for this application:
Efficiency of LED Work Lights for Trucks
Work lights for trucks need to be efficient. Efficiency in lighting is all about supplying the most amount of light possible while using the smallest amount of energy. Since your truck work lights are likely going to be powered using the truck’s 12v battery, the work lights you add will need to be easy on this limited power source. Furthermore, especially if you are in the market for a spotlight or floodlight to illuminate an outdoor work area, these lights are going to need to be very bright. Fortunately, LED lights are up to the task. When compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights are up to 90 percent more efficient at producing light and conserving energy. This means that for the same amount of electricity used, LEDs give off up to 90 percent more light than their incandescent counterparts. That is a massive discrepancy and could be the difference between you completing your task with battery life to spare, or not.
Brightness of LED Work Lights for Trucks
Those who are less concerned with energy consumption for their application and simply want to find the brightest possible work lights to attach to their truck will find that LEDs certainly fit the bill. Some of the brightest work lights in the world are LEDs. This technology is virtually limitless when it comes to providing the type of light you need to get the job done. Furthermore, LEDs are available in many different beam patterns – so you will be well-lit whether you require a spotlight, floodlight, or another type of light beam.
For LED work lights that are used to warn other drivers and workers of your truck’s location and trajectory, brightness plays a key role as well. These types of lights come in a variety of colors, flash patterns, and possible mounting locations. But they all share one thing in common: these warning lights are bright! If your truck is parked in a potentially hazardous roadside location, or a dark work area, vehicles, and workers will be well alerted to its location. These types of work lights are key to preventing potentially dangerous accidents, and brightness is the reason they are so effective.
Durability of LED Work Lights for Trucks
So, LED work lights for trucks are bright and very energy efficient, but can they handle the ruggedness of work scenarios? The short answer is YES! Since LED lights are made from a filament rather than glass bulb, they are naturally far more rugged than other types of bulbs. Many LED work lights for trucks offer a water and dust-proof exterior made from durable materials. These lights can surely stand the test of the work applications that you use them in.
Aside from being built tough, LED work lights for trucks have the distinct advantage of a long lifespan. Many LED lights are capable of lasting over 45,000 hours – much, much longer than the lifespan of comparable incandescent, fluorescent, or halogen bulbs. Not only will your new LED lights provide you the brightest light while using the least amount of energy – but they will also continue to do so longer than any other type of work light out there on the market!
Types of LED Work Lights for Trucks
If you were not already convinced that LEDs are the best choice for your truck’s work lights, you should now understand why there really is no other viable option. In this next section, we will go over some of the primary types of LED work lights that are available to consumers for installation on a truck.
External Lighting
One type of LED work light for trucks is external lighting. This lighting style is meant for lighting up outdoor workspaces and construction sites. These work lights come in different beam patterns depending on the intended application. They are usually mounted relatively high up on a truck or truck rack, and generally utilize a swivel mount. A high mounting location combined with a swivel mount allows these lights to be used to their full potential. A high-powered light can illuminate a surprising amount of space. If the light is meant to be used often, a secondary power source aside from the truck’s battery may be necessary. This could include a generator or an auxiliary battery which charges while the truck drives.
Warning Lights
Warning lights are an important type of LED work light for trucks. From snow plows and tractors to pickup trucks used in construction – dash warning lights are a vital tool for those looking to alert others to the location of their truck. They come in all different sizes and colors, as well as in flashing styles or constant-shine styles. Warning lights can be mounted virtually anywhere on a truck, so long as the light does not obstruct the driver’s view in any way. If you are using warning lights to signify your truck’s presence, be sure to mount them 360 degrees around the truck so that ample warning lights are visible from all possible approach angles. Furthermore, consider whether you need the lights to be flashing or not, and plan accordingly when purchasing.
Portable Lights
Some of the LED work lights found on your truck may not be permanently mounted to it. Portability is a major asset of LEDs due to their incredible efficiency and ability to supply a huge amount of light without using too much energy. In many work trucks, portable lights are temporarily mounted on clips in areas such as the truck bed, where tools are located. These small LED lights can be illuminated while in their temporary mounting position in order to light up tools and other items within the truck. Then, if a worker needs to take a handheld light somewhere, such as under a piece of machinery, that requires some extra light, they can simply unclip the portable LED work light and bring it with them. Handheld LED lights are rechargeable and many are made specifically for working applications – so they are built ruggedly and waterproofed.
Considerations When Shopping for LED Work Lights for Your Truck
When it comes to actually shopping LED Equipped’s extensive inventory for LED work lights for your truck, there are some considerations to make regarding specific features. Based on your individual needs for work lights, you will consider the importance of each of these factors for your application.
Take a look at the area you are looking to install a work light on your truck. What is the appropriately sized light? Do you need a light bar that is long and narrow, or a more square floodlight or spotlight? Do you need individual puck-shaped warning lights, or can they all be mounted on a single light bar? Be sure to break out the ruler and take dimensions of the space you are looking to mount in to be sure that the light will be a good fit. Generally, larger work lights will be brighter and more expensive – so lighting needs and budget do come into play. Also, larger, brighter lights suck more power – so consider your power source as well.
Beam Pattern
For externally mounted illuminating LED work lights, beam pattern should be one of the first things you consider. LED work lights come in three beam patterns: spotlight, floodlight, or a combination. Spotlights for cars are best for casting a narrow, long beam of light. They are capable of illuminating objects that are far away, as well as of casting a very bright light on one specific object. Think of your high beams in your truck.
LED floodlights, on the other hand, cast a wider light and they are excellent at illuminating large work spaces. Floodlights are ideal for construction applications where you need to illuminate a wide area of a construction site. Finally, combination beams will give you both types of lights in one, but they generally cost more and each type of light is slightly less concentrated and effective as specifically designed spotlights or floodlights. However, combination beam patterns are a great choice if you think you will regularly have a use for both types of light.
Simply put, some trucks take a beating. If your work truck is constantly out in the elements, and performing tasks that put external components at risk, you will need a rugged LED work light for the job. Look for lights that are waterproof, dustproof, and built with high-quality, long-lasting materials. LED Equipped sells only the finest work lights, so you should be highly satisfied with the durability and toughness of our lineup.
How are you going to mount and install your new LED work light on your truck? Does the light include mounting hardware, or will you need to purchase appropriate hardware separately? These are important considerations to take into account when shopping for work lights. Furthermore, not all mounts are created equal. The mount needs to be tough, and depending on the application, you may need a swivel mount that can rotate and flip. Finally, if screws must be drilled into the truck’s exterior, you should consider where the best place to do this is and make sure you take all necessary precautions to secure the mount to the truck and the light to the mount.
Now that you have read through this informative blog post, you should be well on your way to choosing the best LED work lights for your truck! We hope that this post has been informative and fun to read, and as always, you can head over to our products page to find the absolute best LED work lights for trucks! Thanks so much for reading!
Sources: https://www.hardworkingtrucks.com/light-buyers-guide/